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Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2024 - Program
27 September 2024
Modified: 14 October 2024
Reading time: 12 minute(s)

"Regions as catalysts of European RDI competitiveness”
The Role of Regions in the Reduction of Fragmentation in the European Innovation Ecosystem

WIRE conference, under the Hungarian EU Council Presidency, organized by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Budapest

Date: 13-14 November, 2024
Venue: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Zugligeti út 9, 1121



Draft Programme

All speakers and panelists to be confirmed


Day 1 November 13

9:00 Registration, welcome coffee
10:00-10:45 Opening Plenary – LIVESTREAMING

Signe Ratso, Deputy Director General, DG RTD, European Commission
High-level Hungarian representation


10:45-11:15 Keynote: Catalysts of change in place-based innovation ecosystems - LIVESTREAMING

Speaker: Ron Bouschma, Professor, Utrecht University
11:15-12:00 Panel discussion: Regional innovation through innovation ecosystems. Tools for boosting competitiveness of the regions - LIVESTREAMING
  Why are place-based innovation ecosystems so important from the aspect of the national and European innovation? Good examples and challenges. Lessons learnt from European funding instruments - Excellence Hubs, I3 projects, European Innovation Ecosystems projects, and Cities Mission

Moderator: Kamilla Strausz, communication expert, InnoMaker Partners

  • Magda De Carli, Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission
  • Catherine Wendt, Head of Unit, DG REGIO, European Commission
  • Tanya Hristova, President, European Committee of the Regions, Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC)
  • Davide Magagna, Scientific Project Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
12:00-13:00 Networking lunch
13:00-14:00 Breakout sessions
  Breakout session 1. New challenges, new dimensions of regional disparities? - LIVESTREAMING
  The dynamically changing political, economic, technological and natural conditions pose fundamental challenges to EU regions. These new circumstances may both exacerbate existing territorial and social inequalities (social marginalization and spatial peripherization) and accelerate the emergence of new territorial and social issues. The diffusion of revolutionary new technologies (such as AI), the possible impacts of climate change and the widening gap in living conditions could also lead to the erosion of the middle class in European societies. Therefore, the panel discussion seeks to identify the components, key actors, and possible social and territorial consequences of these recent challenges.

Moderator: Viktor Varjú, Director, Institute for Regional Sciences, HUN-REN Center for Economic and Regional Studies

  • Catherine Wendt, Head of Unit, DG REGIO, European Commission
  • Prof Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV) and Ikerbasque (Spain) and Cardiff University/WISERD (UK)
  • Joanna Kubiak, Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office
  • Silvia Gomez Recio, Secretary General, Young European Research Universities Network YERUN
  Breakout session 2. Developing and consolidating synergies between cohesion-policy programs and Horizon Europe - LIVESTREAMING
  Developing and consolidating synergies between cohesion-policy programs and Horizon Europe are among the key actions to maximize the impact of EU intervention in the area of accelerating and strengthening innovation in European innovation ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide. The Commission published the guidance document on synergies between Horizon Europe and the European Regional Development Fund programs in 2022 to help managing authorities make better use of available funding opportunities to foster innovation and the uptake of advanced technologies in their regions.
The session seeks to highlight the significant potential of Smart Specialization Strategies under cohesion policy to enhance synergies between Horizon Europe and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programs, with the smart specialization strategies serving as a crucial bridge for their development. It would also be discussed how to improve ‘access to excellence’, in particular for ‘Widening countries’, state aid rules for Research, Development and Innovation and exchange practices on how to best structure cooperation between R&I and Cohesion policy communities at national level.

Moderator: Pirita Lindholm, Director, European Regions Research and Innovation Network ERRIN

  • Aistė Vilkanauskytė, R&I and Cohesion Managing Authorities’ Network (RIMA)
  • Magda De Carli, Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission
  • Táňa Hálová Perglová, Co-chair of R&I and Cohesion Managing Authorities Network, ERA Forum
  • Lukas Palko, Director, Research Office, Masaryk university
14:00-14:15 Technical break to go back to Plenary room
14:15 – 15:00 Hungary’s practice for fostering regional innovation: Introduction to the TIP (Regional Innovation Platform) concept - LIVESTREAMING
14:15-14:25 Plenary Presentation
  The session is focusing on the operational framework of the Regional Innovation Platforms (TIP) initiated by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office, aimed at bolstering the Hungarian regional Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) ecosystem. This session aims to elucidate the significance and role of these platforms, which form the cornerstone of the Hungarian Smart Specialization Strategy. The Regional Innovation Platforms (TIP) are instrumental in fostering collaboration and innovation within the quadruple-helix framework, comprising academia, industry, government, and civil society. Through these platforms, the aim is to enhance the skills and capacities of quadruple-helix actors, thereby optimizing smart specialization efforts and effectively addressing the impacts of industrial transformation. This session invites participants to delve into the evolving landscape of regional innovation in Hungary, exploring strategies for fostering collaboration, driving sustainable growth, and navigating the transition towards quintuple-helix practices.
14:25-15:00 Panel discussion: Stakeholders’ reflections and experiences
  In this session stakeholders i.e. representatives from esteemed universities will share their perspectives on the successes and achievements of the Innovation Platform Network. Through interactive dialogue, participants will have the opportunity to glean first-hand insights into the experiences garnered through the operation of the Innovation Platform Network. Additionally, invited speakers will shed light on both the operational nuances and challenges encountered in their endeavors. The discussion will also provide a platform for participants to showcase regional achievements and their tangible impact across Hungary. Through shared experiences and case studies, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of regional innovation initiatives.

Moderator: Levente Várkonyi, RFI leader, Hungarian Innovation Agency

  • representative of University of Miskolc
  • representative of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • representative of John von Neumann University
  • representative of Hungarian Association for Innovation
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:15 Success stories from winning projects (Excellence Hubs/I3/ERA Hubs) - LIVESTREAMING
  Showcasing of success stories and winning projects in Excellence Hubs/I3/New European Bauhaus/Missions to demonstrate the practical side of tools discussed in Panel discussion “Regional innovation through innovation ecosystems. Tools for boosting competitiveness of the regions” in the morning.

Moderator: Manuel Aleixo, Head of Unit for ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers, DG RTD

  • Marina Papageorgiou, coordinator of project ENVRINNOV, Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) The Cyprus Institute
  • Zsolt Pásztor, Director of International Relations, project Mediklaszter
  • Ntorina Antoni, COOPERATE project coordinator, Eindhoven Technical University
16:15 – 16:45 Wrap-up of first day – NRDIO, rapporteurs from breakout sessions - LIVESTREAMING
18:30 Networking dinner

Day 2 November 14



9:00-9:45 Presentation of the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2024. What lessons can regions learn from this? How big is the gap? Do the traditional innovation measurement tools show us a valid picture? - LIVESTREAMING
  Innovation is measured regularly by the European Union at country and regional level. The most comprehensive measurement tool for regional innovativeness is the Regional Innovation Scoreboard for 239 regions in 22 EU Member States, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, while Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta are included at the country level. Regional innovativeness is a multi-layer concept, not only defined by explicit innovation activities in science, industry or innovative products. As a supporting resource for innovation, the environment of population is also monitored with indicators such as the proportion of the population with tertiary education, the involvement in life-long learning, or digital skills above average.

Moderator: Svetlozar Andreev, Committee of Regions

  • Alexandr Hobza, Chief Economist, DG RTD, European Commission
  • Mathieu Dossineau, EFIS Centre
9:45-10:30 Panel discussion: Dynamics of innovation gaps – role of regions in fostering innovation - LIVESTREAMING

Moderator: Magda De Carli, Head of Unit for European Semester and Country Intelligence, DG RTD

  • Ron Boschma, Professor, Utrecht University
  • David Uhlir, Innovation Ecosystem Architect and Chief Strategy Officer, South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC)
  • Andreea-Raluca Leru, North-East Regional Development Agency, Romania
10:30-10:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:00 A promising start? Assessing the first steps in the Regional Innovation Valley concept - LIVESTREAMING
  The Regional Innovation Valleys (RIVs) action aims to stimulate and exploit the full innovation potential of EU regions, including deep-tech innovation, in view of addressing EU’s burning societal challenges and bridging the innovation divide. Its objective is to identify up to 100 regions committed to concentrate their research and innovation efforts on specific priorities and to strengthen their coordination with other regions. Priority areas are food security, digital transformation, energy, healthcare and circular economy. The Commission intends to announce the final list of regions in summer 2024, once the grant agreements are signed with EIE and I3 winner regions and the selection process under the third, Expression of Interest avenue is fully completed. This agenda item would allow for the presentation of the call results and highlight key elements of the concept and the way forward.

Moderator: Ewa Chomicz, Policy and Engagement Manager, ERRIN

  • Montse Daban, Expert, Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia
  • Valeria Bandini, Head of Europe and Internationalization Area, Emilia Romagna (ART-ER)
  • Magdalena Klimczyk, Chief Specialist, Innovation Development Team, Department of Ownership Supervision and Economy, Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region
  • Margherita Bacigalupo, Deputy Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
12:00-13:00 Networking lunch
13:00 – 13:45 Breakout sessions
  Breakout session 1. Policymaking on the national, regional and European level - LIVESTREAMING
  To strengthen innovation-driven territorial transformation, the pilot action Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) was launched in May 2022 by the Commission in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions. It was accompanied by the publication of a PRI playbook presenting policy tools and practices common in Europe and beyond. As a result of the pilot, an ‘action book’ on innovation for place-based transformation has been published.

The recently published ACTION-book on place-based transformative innovation, developed with support from partners across Europe and coordinated by the Joint Research Centre and the European Committee of the Regions, details the dynamics of how these new regional innovation partnerships will function in practice.

The workshop would invite regions participating in the pilot to take stock of the key achievements of the action and showcase some of the most innovative and successful practices in place.

Moderator: Svetlozar Andreev, Committee of Regions, European Commission

  • Johanna Dahl, Regional Council of Ostrobothnia
  • Tanya Hristova, Mayor of Gabrovo, Bulgaria
  Breakout session 2.  Role of research and technology infrastructures in boosting regional innovation - LIVESTREAMING

Moderator: Lukas Palko, Director, Research Office, Masaryk University

  • István Szabó, Vice-President of HUN-REN, Hungarian Research Network
  • Jana Kolar, Executive Director, CERIC-ERIC
  • Bertrand Bouchet, member of European Commission Expert Group on Technology Infrastructures
13:45 – 14:30 Closing Panel discussion: What are the directions FP10 should take towards regions? How can synergies be enhanced between Framework Programs and structural funds? - LIVESTREAMING

Moderator: Muriel Attané, Secretary General, EARTO

  • Manuel Heitor, Chair of the High-Level Group on FP10
  • Anne Besnier, European Committee of Regions, Centre val de Loire Region and CoR rapporteur on FP10
  • Pirita Lindholm, Director, ERRIN
14:30-15:00 Wrap-up of Conference – take-away messages, lessons learned - LIVESTREAMING

  • Magda De Carli, Head of Unit for European Semester and Country Intelligence, DG RTD
  • Dr. László Lengyel, Vice-President for Science and International Affairs, National Research Development and Innovation Office

About Registration Program Getting here
Updated: 14 October 2024
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